
Seattle Washington Eminent Domain Attorney | Realistic Expectation

As a Seattle eminent domain attorney and Washington condemnation attorney I deal with a lot of people who are having their property taken by eminent domain. It is never an easy process, you have to fight tooth and nail for every penny, and it is always rewarding to see the light at the end of the tunnel, to see the landowner get the money they deserve, and to resolve a dispute leaving my clients happy.

But in doing all of this it is important to remember that the sale of property is never an exact science, that in many cases neither side is going to get everything they want or think they need. Just like with the purchase of an entire house or building or car or anything else, there is no precise price, and in many cases the offers of the parties set the high and low points, with the final agreed to price somewhere in the middle. It is important for landowners having their Washington property taken through eminent domain to understand they are not going to get what is asked for in the initial counteroffer (condemning authorities for the most part recognize they are almost always going to have to come up in price for just compensation). What they are doing is setting a ceiling, an absolute height in just compensation, that might be reached in the perfect scenario.

Many times we, as eminent domain attorneys, need to remember to temper client expectations, to remind them that although our theories and arguments sound great in discussion, when the rubber hits the road some will either be inadmissible or will be seen as an attempt to get money that is not reasonable. In the end, it is likely the landowners will have to come down from their initial counteroffer and the government will have to come up, until the parties reach a place they are both comfortable with. So, remember to take that into account when negotiating with the condemning authority and when strategizing with your client. It can make a big difference in everyone walking away feeling satisfied.

If your property is being taken by the government in Washington State by eminent domain, whether it be Seattle, Renton, Spokane, Kennewick, Olympia, Tacoma, Federal Way, Kent, Everett, Woodinville, Redmond, Kirkland, Yakima, Bellevue, Auburn, Puyallup, Vancouver, Mukilteo, Edmonds, West Seattle, or Pullman, you need someone working on your side.

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